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Environment Setup

So to begin setting up our environment, let's start by creating a project folder in a desired location that will hold the contents of our project. Name it my-project.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project


Now, to create a Flutter project, we first must fulfill the Flutter Requirements needed:

  • Flutter SDK
  • Chrome
  • Optional: an IDE that supports Flutter. Visual Studio Code is used for this tutorial

Follow the Building a Web Application with Flutter tutorial to get your machine set up with the Flutter SDK.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The instructions provided by the Flutter Docs only sets your PATH variable for the current terminal window and not for future terminal windows. Follow these instructions to permanently add Flutter to your path.

Create a new Flutter project with web support

Run the following commands to get the latest version of Flutter

flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade

And create and run a new Flutter project within the my-project directory. I named my flutter project tg_flutter.

flutter create tg_flutter
cd tg_flutter

Serve your app from localhost in Chrome by running the following command from the main directory of the project, tg_flutter.

flutter run -d chrome

This launches the application using the development compiler in the Chrome browser.



Create Middleware Directory

In the my-project directory, create a new directory to hold the goods for the middleware.

mkdir middleware
cd middleware

Your middleware and tg_flutter directories should sit next to each other in the my-project directory.

Python Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment using venv and Python.

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the new virtual environment.

source venv/bin/activate

There should now be (venv) in front of your terminal after activating the virtual environment.

Install Packages

For the middleware, we will be using pyTigerGraph, FastAPI, and a library called uvicorn that is used by FastAPI

pip install pyTigerGraph fastapi uvicorn

What is FastAPI?

FastAPI Setup

Open the my-project directory in VS Code or your editor of choice, open the middleware folder, and create a file called inside of it.

Click into and use code from FastAPI in that file.

from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

Run the API

Save, open an integrated terminal in VS Code, and run the following command to run the API.

uvicorn main:app --reload

This is using uvicorn to run our file. The file name is main and the --reload has the server automatically reload after new changes are saved to the file.

Explore the Endpoints

Now it's time to check out the endpoints that were just created! Enter in a browser page, and here you should find the {“Hello”: “World”} from the first function in the file

Enter or to find interactive documentation for the endpoints we created. Thanks fastAPI!


Sign into Firebase using your Google account and follow the linked Google documentation to get started! In this section, the specfiic SDKs will be configured for our project.

Create Firebase Project

Once you have Created your Firebase Project, you will be able to Register your project!

This is an example of my registration process:

  1. Click 'Create Project' Firebase Registration

  2. Name your project Firebase Registration

  3. Enable Google Analytics (optional) Firebase Registration

  4. Click the final 'Create Project' once you have configured Google Analytics Firebase Registration

  5. Click 'Continue' once you projected has finished provisioning Firebase Registration

  6. Add a web app to your project by clicking the 'Web' icon from the Firebase console Firebase Registration

  7. Give your app a nickname and enable hosting (optional), then click 'Register App' Firebase Registration

  8. Add Firebase SDK Firebase Registration IMPORTANT NOTE: Save the above SDK configuration information as it will be important in adding the SDKs to our Flutter project! Do not copy and paste what is above (it is just a dummy example), your configuration will be specific to your project and app.

  9. Install Firebase CLI (optional) Firebase Registration

  10. Click 'Continue to Console' to finish adding the app to your project! Firebase Registration

Add Firebase SDKs

The only way to currently add the Firebase SDKs to your Flutter web project is by importing the scripts from the Firebase content delivery network (CDN). Inside the tg_flutter project folder, located the index.html file. Add the firebase-app.js script to your index.html file within the <body> tag:

    <!-- Add these lines -->
    <script>window.flutterfire_web_sdk_version = '8.10.0';</script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Add ^ lines -->
    <script src="main.dart.js" type="application/javascript"></script>

Initializing Firebase

The next step is to initialize Firebase using your project configuration. Create a new web app (or choose an existing one) on the Firebase Console and copy the configuration details.

Initialize Firebase using these configuration details, placing the following script below the CDN imports added above:

    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Firebase Configuration -->
      var firebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: "...",
        authDomain: "[YOUR_PROJECT]",
        databaseURL: "https://[YOUR_PROJECT]",
        projectId: "[YOUR_PROJECT]",
        storageBucket: "[YOUR_PROJECT]",
        messagingSenderId: "...",
        appId: "1:...:web:...",
        measurementId: "G-...",

      // Initialize Firebase


Once you've followed the Firebase setup documentation and implemented the above code, your environment should be setup to begin working with Firebase!

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