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Exploring Flutter Fundamentals

It's time to explore the actual flutter code. Navigate to the lib folder within the tg_flutter folder. Open the main.dart file.

A few important things to note about Flutter:

  • For the initial starter code provided, all the code lives in the lib/main.dart file
  • The app's UI is created with Dart code
  • Almost everything is considered a widget. The app itself is a widget and the app's UI can be described as a widget tree

So what is a Widget?

  • According to the Flutter Documentation, 'Widgets are the central class hierarchy in the Flutter framework. A widget is an immutable description of part of a user interface. Widgets can be inflated into elements, which manage the underlying render tree.'
  • Stateful Widgets: a widget that stores info that can change, such as user input. Widgets themselves cannot be modified oonce created, so Flutter stores state information in a compantion class, the State class

Learn more about the fundamentals of Flutter and the nuances of building a web app with Flutter here.

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